物理化学学报 >> 2006, Vol. 22 >> Issue (06): 657-660.doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB20060603

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  1. 山东师范大学物理与电子科学学院半导体研究所, 济南 250014
  • 收稿日期:2005-11-07 修回日期:2006-01-13 发布日期:2006-05-31
  • 通讯作者: 薛成山 E-mail:xuechengshan@sdnu.edu.cn

Structure and Synthesis of GaN Powder by Sol-Gel Method

LIU Yi-An;XUE Cheng-Shan;ZHUANG Hui-Zhao;ZHANG Xiao-Kai;TIAN De-Heng;WU Yu-Xin;SUN Li-Li;AI Yu-Jie;WANG Fu-Xue   

  1. Institute of Semiconductors, College of Physics and Electronics, Shandong Normal University, Jinan 250014, P. R. China
  • Received:2005-11-07 Revised:2006-01-13 Published:2006-05-31
  • Contact: XUE Cheng-Shan E-mail:xuechengshan@sdnu.edu.cn

摘要: 报道了一种新颖而有效的二步制备氮化镓粉末的方法. 以乙氧基镓Ga(OC2H5)3作前驱体, 利用溶胶-凝胶法和高温氨化法相结合, 在950 ℃氨化温度下, 将凝胶与流动的NH3反应20 min, 合成了GaN粉末. XRD、FTIR、TEM及SAED的测量结果表明, GaN粉末是六方纤锌矿结构的单晶晶粒, 粉末粒度较均匀, FTIR吸收谱有明显的宽化现象.

关键词: 溶胶-凝胶法, 氨化温度, GaN粉末

Abstract: A novel and efficient method was applied to prepare gallium nitride (GaN) powder. Hexagonal gallium nitride (GaN) powder was successfully synthesized by means of a combination of sol-gel process with high temperature ammoniation using Ga(OC2H5)3 as a precursor. Ammoniation of Ga2O3 gel was conducted in the flow of NH3 gas at 950 ℃ for 20 min. Measurement results by XRD, FTIR, TEM, and SAED indicate that the synthesised GaN is of a single-phase hexagonal wurtzite structure, and the granularity of the GaN powder has a good uniformity. In addtion, the FTIR shows a distinct peak broadening.

Key words: Sol-gel method, Ammonition temperature, GaN powder