物理化学学报 >> 2007, Vol. 23 >> Issue (12): 1948-1953.doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB20071222

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陈永翀; 徐兴军; 崔宏芝; 代克化; 宋兆爽; 江卫军; 其鲁   

  1. 山东科技大学材料科学与工程学院, 固态反应与扩散实验室, 山东 青岛 266510; 北京大学化学与分子工程学院, 应用化学系,新能源材料与技术实验室, 北京 100871; 中信国安盟固利新能源科技有限公司, 北京 102200
  • 收稿日期:2007-09-17 修回日期:2007-10-08 发布日期:2007-11-30
  • 通讯作者: 陈永翀 E-mail:matscichen@126.com

Preferred Orientation of Crystals and the Intensity Ratios of XRD Peaks of Cathode Material LiCoO2

CHEN Yong-Chong; XU Xing-Jun; CUI Hong-Zhi; DAI Ke-Hua; SONG Zhao-Shuang; JIANG Wei-Jun; QI Lu   

  1. Solid State Reaction &Diffusion Laboratory, College of Materials Science &Engineering, Shandong University of Science & Technology, Qingdao 266510, Shandong Province, P. R. China; New Energy Material & Technology Laboratory, Department of Applied Chemistry, College of Chemistry &Molecular Engineering, Peking University, Beijing 100871, P. R. China; CITIC GUOAN Mengguli New Energy Technology Company Ltd. (MGL), Beijing 102200, P. R. China
  • Received:2007-09-17 Revised:2007-10-08 Published:2007-11-30
  • Contact: CHEN Yong-Chong E-mail:matscichen@126.com

摘要: 采用高温固相反应法合成了锂离子电池正极材料LiCoO2, 用粉末X射线衍射(XRD)和扫描电子显微镜(SEM)等技术对材料的形貌与结构进行分析. 平面反射和透射X射线粉末衍射数据表明, 目前商品LiCoO2样品XRD图谱的(104)和(003)衍射峰强度比(I(104)/I(003))主要反映了LiCoO2晶体c轴方向的择优取向, 而不是Li、Co原子的占位有序程度. I(104)/I(003)比值越小, 晶体择优取向度越高. 晶体无择优取向LiCoO2粉末材料的衍射峰强度比I(104)/I(003) 应为95%左右. 因此, 不能用I(104)/I(003) 的比值大小作为实际LiCoO2材料晶体内Li、Co 原子排列是否有序的主要证据. 澄清了长期有争议的关于锂离子二次电池正极材料LiCoO2的X射线衍射峰强度比问题.

关键词: 锂离子电池, 正极材料, LiCoO2, 择优取向

Abstract: LiCoO2 samples were synthesized by high temperature solid-state reaction method, characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electronic microscopy (SEM). The reflection and transmission XRDdata of different commercial LiCoO2 materials proved that the intensity ratio of (104) to (003) (I(104)/I(003)) reflects the degree of crystal orientation, not the order of Li and Co positions in LiCoO2 crystals. The higher the crystal orientation degree was, the smaller the ratio I(104)/I(003) would be. Experimental data also indicated this ratio value should be about 95%for the LiCoO2 crystals with no preferred orientations. Therefore, the intensity ratio I(104)/I(003) can not be considered as the main evidence for the position order of Li and Co in LiCoO2 crystals. The confusion on the intensity ratios of XRD peaks of cathode material LiCoO2 for Li-ion batteries was clarified.

Key words: Li-ion battery, Cathode material, LiCoO2, Preferred orientation