Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin. ›› 1997, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (06): 481-483.doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19970601

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Collapsed Deposition of Accelerated C60 Beam on Solid Surfaces

Tang Zi-Chao,Ren Bin,Huang Rong-Bin,Tian Zhong-Qun,Zheng Lan-Sun   

  1. State Key Laboratory for Physical Chemisitry of Solid Surfaces,Department of Chemsitry,Xiamen University,Xiamen 361005
  • Received:1997-01-30 Revised:1997-03-19 Published:1997-06-15
  • Contact: Zheng Lan-Sun


Raman spectroscopy was applied to characterize the species deposited from the mass-selected C60 ion beam which was accelerated to 900 eV. The substrates for the deposition were (0001) surface of highly oriented pyrolitic graphite and (111) surface of gold crystal. The species do not exhibit the Raman scattering features of buckminsterfullerene, but displays peaks at 1585 and 1332 cm-1 instead. The former peak is the chararteristic Ranan peak of hexagonal graphite, and the latter can be attributed to the amorphous carbon in sp3 hybridization. The result reveals that C60 was collapsed to form a new phase when it collides on the solid surface.

Key words: C60, Raman spectroscopy, Collapse, Deposition