Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin. ›› 2006, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (06): 649-652.doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB20060601

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Kinetics of Flash Pyrolysis of [Co(CHZ3](ClO42 and [Ni(CHZ)3](ClO4)2

SUN Yuan-Hua;ZHANG Tong-Lai;ZHANG Jian-Guo;YANG Li;QIAO Xiao-Jing   

  1. State Key Laboratory of Explosion Science and Technology, School of Mechano-Electronic Engineering, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, P. R. China
  • Received:2005-10-12 Revised:2005-10-26 Published:2006-05-31
  • Contact: ZHANG Tong-Lai

Abstract: T-jump/FTIR spectroscopy was used to study thermal decomposition of energetic material [Co(CHZ)3](ClO4)2 and [Ni(CHZ)3](ClO4)2 in thin film with rapid heating rate. During the exothermic decomposition process, the major gas products were identified as CO2, H2O, HCN, HNCO, and HONO. Time-to-exotherm (tx) kinetics method derived from the control voltage trace of T-jump/FTIR spectroscopy was introduced to resolve kinetics of the exothermic decomposition reaction of flash pyrolysis of the title compounds. In the temperature range of 613~653 K under 0.1 MPa Ar atmosphere the Arrhenius activation energy of the exothermic decomposition reaction of [Co(CHZ)3](ClO4)2 was determined to be Ea=39.42 kJ•mol−1 and lnA=5.93. The Arrhenius activation energy of [Ni(CHZ)3](ClO4)2 was determined to be Ea=60.44 kJ•mol−1 and lnA=9.40 in the temperature range of 618~678 K under 0.1 MPa Ar atmosphere.

Key words: Cobalt perchlorate, Nickel perchlorate, Carbohydrazide, Thermal kinetics, Flash pyrolysis, T-jump /FTIR spectroscopy