Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin. ›› 1989, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (01): 67-71.doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19890114

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Infrared Laser Induced SF6 Interaction with Silicon and Tungstun Surfaces

He Zhi-Fang;Jin Zhong-Kao;Qin Qi-Zong   

  1. Laser Chemistry Laboratory, Fudan University
  • Received:1987-06-17 Revised:1988-02-28 Published:1989-02-15
  • Contact: Qin Qi-Zong

Abstract: TEA CO_2 laser induced Si-SF_6 and W-SF_8 interactions have been studied and the surface reaction yields have been determined as a function of the laser frequency. The results show that the reaction yields depend strongly on the laser frequency and there is a maximum at the frequency of 942.4 cm~(-1), For Si-SF_6 system, the reaction yield also depends on the different planes of silicon single crystals and it shows that the Si(100) is more active than the Si(111) under the same experimental conditions. For W-SF_6 system, the reaction yields have been determined as a function of laser fluence and number of laser pulses. The results show that the reaction threshold is 1 J cm~(-2) at the laser frequency of 942.4 cm~(-1) and the reaction rate is of first order in SF_6 pressure. These results impies that the infrared laser irradiation plays and important role in these gas-surface reactions and the main step might be the interaction between the vibrationally excited SF_6 molecules and laser stimulated solid surfaces.