Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin. ›› 2000, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (10): 941-947.doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB20001014

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Preparation and Structure and Performance Examination of Double-layer LSM/LSM+YSZ Composite Electrodes

Lu Zi-gui, Jiang Yi, Yan Jing-Wang, Dong Yong-Lai, Zhang Yi-Huang   

  1. Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Dalian 116023
  • Received:2000-01-10 Revised:2000-04-17 Published:2000-10-15
  • Contact: Jiang Yi


Single layer LSM+ YSZ and double layers LSM/LSM+ YSZ composite electrodes with varying YSZ content in the LSM+ YSZ layer have been prepared. The electrochemical properties and microstructures of the electrodes were investigated and compared. The electrochemical performance of the single layer LSM+YSZ electrodes was improved when a certain amount of YSZ was added due to the increase of the three phase boundaries (TPB) by the addition of YSZ, while excessive YSZ addition (60% ) caused a decrease in performance, because the in-phase resistance of the electrode increased so high, leading to a reduced effective electrode area. The problem was eliminated by a double-layer LSM/LSM+ YSZ composite electrode, in which a pure LSM layer functioned as a current collector and reduced the in-phase resistance.As a result, both large TPB area and low ohmic resistance were assured in this kind structure. At 1223 K, the double-layer composite electrode with 50 wt.% YSZ has the lowest polarization resistance of 0.3Ω•cm2.

Key words: SOFC, Composite LSM electrodes, Double-layer electrodes, AC impedance