物理化学学报 >> 2008, Vol. 24 >> Issue (01): 74-78.doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB20080113

研究论文 上一篇    下一篇


陈聪; 李维仲   

  1. 大连理工大学能源与动力学院, 辽宁 大连 116024
  • 收稿日期:2007-08-31 修回日期:2007-10-17 发布日期:2008-01-05
  • 通讯作者: 李维仲 E-mail:wzhongli@dlut.edu.cn

Determination of Homogeneous Nucleation Temperature of Intracellular Solution during Cooling

CHEN Cong; LI Wei-Zhong   

  1. School of Energy and Power Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, Liaoning Province, P. R. China
  • Received:2007-08-31 Revised:2007-10-17 Published:2008-01-05
  • Contact: LI Wei-Zhong E-mail:wzhongli@dlut.edu.cn

摘要: 为了研究冷冻过程中胞内溶液均相成核温度下降值与平衡凝固点下降值的关系, 提出了一种求解变组元系统成核温度的方法, 并联合细胞脱水方程, 进行了数值求解. 研究发现, 甘油-氯化钠-水三元系统的均相成核温度下降与平衡凝固点下降存在如下的线性关系: ⊿Th=1.17⊿Tm, 表明水溶液均相成核温度与溶质有关.

关键词: 细胞脱水, 平衡凝固点, 均相成核温度, 低温保护剂

Abstract: In order to study the homogeneous nucleation temperature of intracellular solution during cooling, an iteration method has been presented to calculate nucleation temperature of system with changeable concentrations. Glycerol was chosen for a cryoprotective agent (CPA) during cooling of mouse oocytes. The equilibriummelting points of intracellular solutions were calculated using an empirical equation determined by the phase diagram of glycerol-sodium chloride-water ternary system. The widely used cell dehydration equation was numerically solved and the concentrations of intracellular solutions as a function of time were calculated. The assumption that the homogeneous nucleation temperature depression was directly proporlianal to the equilibrium melting point depression has been used. The homogeneous nucleation temperatures of intracellular solutions as a function of concentrations were then calculated using the new proposed method coupling with the equilibrium melting points and the concentrations of intracellular solutions. It was found that for glycerol-sodium chloride-water ternary system, depression of the homogeneous nucleation temperature and depression of the equilibrium melting point followed the relation: ⊿Th=1.17⊿Tm . The result proved that the assumption was reasonable and showed that homogeneous nucleation temperatures of aqueous solutions depended on solutes. This research can provide convincing data to support the further study of intracellular ice formation and growth during cooling.

Key words: Cell dehydration, Equilibriummelting point, Homogeneous nucleation temperature, Cryoprotective agent