Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin. ›› 2000, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (10): 865-868.doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB20001001

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Inclusion of Poly(TMPD) into MoO3 via a Cooperative Formation Route

Shao Ke, Ma Ying, Cao Ya-An, Chen Chao-Hui, Ji Xue-Hai, Yao Jian-Nian   

  1. Center for Molecular Science,Institute of Chemistry,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100080
  • Received:2000-06-16 Revised:2000-07-23 Published:2000-10-15
  • Contact: Yao Jian-Nian


Poly(TMPD)/MoO3 was constructed via a cooperative formation route from TMPD and molybdate ammonium at acidified conditions. XRD data showed a layered structure along c axis. IR and Raman spectra confirmed that TMPD had been polymerized and intercalated into MoO3 layers. TGA curve gave the composition of [poly(TMPD)]0.23MoO3(H2O)0.31.Meanwhile,it was found that MoO3 accelerated the polymerization process of TMPD by entrapping the polymer and disturbing the balance between monomer and polymer with deposition of Poly(TMPD)/MoO3.According to this mechanism, a design for constructing layered polymer/MoO3 was proposed and a scheme was drawn also.

Key words: Polymer/MoO3, Layered structure, Cooperative formation route