Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin. ›› 1995, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (06): 484-487.doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19950602

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23Na NMR Study on the Doped NASICON System

Yue Yong,Deng Feng,Hu Hong-Bing,Ye Zhao-Hui   

  1. Wuhan Institute of Physics,The Chinese Academy of Sciences,Wuhan 430071
  • Received:1995-02-14 Revised:1995-04-08 Published:1995-06-15
  • Contact: Yue Yong


The sodium positions in the doped NASICON solid solution Na3Zr2-xYxSi2-xP1+xO12 system were investigated by using 23Na NMR techniques. The results of NMR indicats that the surroundings of the sodium cations in compounds with different compositions are different because the network structures are disordered by replacement of Y3+ for Zr4+ ions in the crystal structure. While the composition x is small, the sodium cations locate at two sites, Na(1) and Na(2) sites, in the structure. With x increasing, the surrounding of the sodium cations change and the position of the sodium cations is of only one kind at x=1.2. These results are important for understanding the crystal rule and the effect of the doped cation in the surroundings of the sodium cations in Na3Zr2-xYxSi2-xP1+xO12 solid state solution system.

Key words: 23Na NMR, Ionic condoctors, NASICON