Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin. ›› 1998, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (12): 1116-1122.doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19981212

• Review • Previous Articles    

The Developments of the Studies of New Type Zeolite Molecular Sieve Host-nanoguest Composite Materials

Qiu Shi-Lun, Zhai Qing-Zhou, Xiao Feng-Shou, Zhang Zong-Tao, Han Yu   

  1. Key Laboratory of Inorganic Synthesis and Preparative Chemistry,Jilin University,Chengchun,130023
  • Received:1998-02-16 Revised:1998-04-10 Published:1998-12-15
  • Contact: Qiu Shi-Lun


This paper mainly elaborated the recent developments of the studies on the new type zeolite molecular sieve host-nanoguest composite materials composing of molecular sieve channels or cages encapsulated nanoscale materials from the point of nanochemistry and material science, and the trends of development in this field. As the research of the properties of this kind of materials are going on, it is possible that this kind of host-guest nanocomposite materials will be usd in some fields. such as science and high technology fields. as the new type of optical, electrical and magnetic materials in the level of molecular assembly. This paper contains the following contents: hosts and guests; the sizes and shapes of guests; the optical, electrical and magnetic properties of the materials; the syntheses and characterizations of the materials; the applications of the materials and forecast.

Key words: Zeolite moleculr sieve, Host-guest, Nanocomposite material, Nanochemistry