Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin. ›› 1997, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (06): 497-502.doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19970605

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Preparation and Optical Properties of CuI Microcrystal Doped Silicate Glasses

Chen Hong-Bing,Hua Ren-Zhong,Zhu Cong-Shan,Gan Fu-Xi   

  1. Shanghai Institute of Optical and Fine Mechanics,Academia Sinica,Shanghai 201800
  • Received:1996-10-03 Revised:1996-11-07 Published:1997-06-15
  • Contact: Chen Hong-Bing


By selecting phase-separable glass system Na2O-Al2O3-B2O3-SiO2 as the base glass and by introducing Cu+, I- from the starting materials CuO/SnO and NaI respectively, CuI microcrystal doped silicate glasses have been prepared successfully. The microcrystal and its distribution in the glass medium are observed by means of X-ray diffraction and HRTEM. The effects of heating treatment on the optical absorption of glasses is studied by the transmission spectra of glasses at room temperature. It is also found from the experiment that the glasses have the effect of compressing the pulse-width of the free oscillation in the cavity of Nd: YAG laser.

Key words: CuI microcrystal doped silicate glasses, Crystalline phase, Transmission spectra, Compressing pulse-width effect