物理化学学报 >> 2002, Vol. 18 >> Issue (07): 617-623.doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB20020710

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荆西平;Authony R. West   

  1. 北京大学化学与分子工程学院 稀土材料化学与应用国家重点实验室,北京 100871;Department of Engineering Materials, University of Sheffield, Sheffield S1 3JD, UK
  • 收稿日期:2001-11-28 修回日期:2002-03-08 发布日期:2002-07-15
  • 通讯作者: 荆西平 E-mail:xpjing@chem.pku.edu.cn

AC Impedance and Gas Concentration Cell Measurements for Ba12Y4.67Ti8O35

Jing Xi-Ping;Anthony R.West   

  1. State Key Laboratory of Rate Earth Materials Chemistry and Applicalion,College of Chemistry and Molecular Engineering,Peking University, Beijing 100871;Department of Engineering Materials,University of Sheffield, Sheffield S1 3JD, UK
  • Received:2001-11-28 Revised:2002-03-08 Published:2002-07-15
  • Contact: Jing Xi-Ping E-mail:xpjing@chem.pku.edu.cn

摘要: 用高温固体合成法制备了经验分子式为Ba12Y4.67Ti8O35的导电陶瓷.利用交流阻抗谱技术、氧浓差电势测量和热电效应测量等方法表征了材料的导电性能.研究指出, 该材料是一种氧离子/空穴混合导体.在700 ℃下,材料本体的电导约为2×10-3 Ω-1•cm-1,氧离子迁移数为0.35.对700 ℃下空气、O2和N2气氛中的交流阻抗谱数据进行了等效电路拟合.拟合指出,在空气和O2气氛中,氧离子的扩散阻抗谱不能明显地观察到是因为氧离子电导通路被空穴电导短路;而在N2气氛中,阻抗谱在低频段表现出特征的扩散阻抗.

关键词: 交流阻抗谱, 氧浓差电势, 混合导体, 等效电路拟合, Ba12Y4.67Ti8O35

Abstract: A ceramic phase Ba12Y4.67Ti8O35 was prepared by solid state reactions,the electrical properties of which were characterised by means of AC impedance spectroscopy,gas concentration cell as well as thermoelectric measurements. The measurements indicate that this material is an oxide ion/hole mixed conductor. At 700 ℃,the bulk conductivity of the material is ~2×10-3Ω-1•cm-1.The impedance data measured at 700 ℃ in air,O2 and N2 atmospheres were analysed by using computer curve fitting,which explains that the ion diffusion impedance is hidden in air and O2 atmospheres because the oxide ion pathway is short circuited by electronic conduction.

Key words: AC impedance, Oxygen concentration cell, Mixed conductor, Equivalent circuit fitting, Ba12Y4.67Ti8O35