物理化学学报 >> 2023, Vol. 39 >> Issue (2): 2205045.doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB202205045

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齐亚娥1,2, 夏永姚1,*()   

  1. 1 复旦大学化学系, 上海市分子催化和功能材料重点实验室, 上海 200433
    2 河西学院化学化工学院, 甘肃省河西走廊特色资源利用重点实验室, 甘肃 张掖 734000
  • 收稿日期:2022-05-18 录用日期:2022-06-14 发布日期:2022-06-17
  • 通讯作者: 夏永姚 E-mail:yyxial@fudan.edu.cn
  • 基金资助:

Electrolyte Regulation Strategies for Improving the Electrochemical Performance of Aqueous Zinc-Ion Battery Cathodes

Yae Qi1,2, Yongyao Xia1,*()   

  1. 1 Department of Chemistry, Fudan University, Shanghai Key Laboratory of Molecular Catalysis and Innovative Materials, Shanghai 200433, China
    2 College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Hexi University, Key Laboratory of Hexi Corridor Resources Utilization of Gansu, Zhangye 734000, Gansu Province, China
  • Received:2022-05-18 Accepted:2022-06-14 Published:2022-06-17
  • Contact: Yongyao Xia E-mail:yyxial@fudan.edu.cn
  • About author:Yongyao Xia, Email: yyxial@fudan.edu.cn; Tel.: +86-21-31249130
  • Supported by:
    the National Natural Science Foundation of China(21935003)


水系锌离子电池(ZIBs)因安全性高、成本低、环境友好,以及负极锌高的理论容量(820 mAh∙g−1)和低的氧化还原电位(−0.76 V vs. SHE)等优点而受到研究者们的广泛关注,有望应用于大规模储能领域,但循环寿命仍是限制其规模化应用的瓶颈之一。通过电解液优化调控策略,可有效抑制正极材料的溶解、结构坍塌和界面副反应等问题,从而提高水系ZIBs的电化学性能。本文综述了电解液调控策略提升水系ZIBs正极材料电化学性能的研究进展,讨论了该策略所解决的具体问题和局限性,并对电解液体系的发展方向进行了展望。

关键词: 水系锌离子电池, 电解液, 正极材料, Zn2+-溶剂化结构, 电化学性能


The ever-worsening world-wide energy crisis and environmental issues are encouraging the development of green and renewable energy. Thus, rechargeable batteries are being developed and employed for energy storage and conversion in various electronic equipment. When compared with metal lithium batteries, aqueous rechargeable batteries have gained significant attention due to their advantages of high safety, low cost, and environmental friendliness. Among the various known rechargeable batteries (Li+, Na+, K+, NH4+, Mg2+, Ca2+, and Al3+), aqueous zinc-ion batteries (ZIBs) are considered as promising energy storage devices because the zinc electrode exhibits high capacity (820 mAh∙g−1) and low potential (−0.76 V vs. Standard hydrogen electrode (SHE)). To date, various ZIBs cathode materials with excellent performance have been developed, such as manganese- and vanadium-based oxides, Prussian blue and its analogues, and organic compounds. Unfortunately, some of these materials, especially manganese- and vanadium-based oxides, suffer from critical structural collapse, dissolution, and cathode/electrolyte interfacial side reactions, which lead to low Coulombic efficiency and poor cycle performance. The poor cycle performance is one of the main obstacles hindering the large-scale application of manganese- and vanadium-based oxides. Therefore, the structural design of cathodes and electrolyte regulation strategies have been extensively investigated to solve these problems and improve electrochemical performance. In comparison, electrolyte regulation is an important and effective strategy for improving the performance of ZIBs cathodes. It is well known that a strong interaction force exists between Zn2+ and H2O, therefore, Zn2+ can coordinate with six H2O molecules to form [Zn(H2O)6]2+ in the dilute aqueous electrolyte, while forming numerous hydrogen bonds between the H2O molecules. The Zn2+-solvation structure and hydrogen bonds can be destructed and restructured by changing the anion, and using highly concentrated electrolyte and/or organic solvent, thereby decreasing the number of H2O molecules in the solvated structure and the activity of free water. Furthermore, additives can change the pH value of the aqueous electrolyte and build a dissolution equilibrium between the cathode and electrolyte. Hence, an appropriate electrolyte regulation strategy can broaden the electrochemical stability window of electrolytes, improve the working potential, suppress the occurrence of interfacial side reactions, and prevent the dissolution of the active materials, thereby improving the electrochemical performance of ZIBs. Herein, we review the possible electrolyte regulation strategies for enhancing the electrochemical performance of ZIBs cathodes and classify regulation strategy into two main categories: 1) Solute (including different zinc salts, additive, and water-in-salt) and 2) Solvent (composite of organic/inorganic hybrid electrolytes). We then discuss the advantages and challenges of each strategy, and finally predict the possible future direction of electrolyte development.

Key words: Aqueous zinc-ion battery, Electrolyte, Cathode materials, Zn2+-solvation structure, Electrochemical performance