物理化学学报 >> 2010, Vol. 26 >> Issue (04): 915-920.doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB20100428

催化和表面结构 上一篇    下一篇


邓培昌, 胡杰珍, 王海增, 孙宝维   

  1. 广东海洋大学海洋与气象学院, 广东 湛江 524088; 中国海洋大学化学化工学院, 山东 青岛 266003
  • 收稿日期:2009-10-16 修回日期:2010-01-06 发布日期:2010-04-02
  • 通讯作者: 邓培昌 E-mail:dpc0520@yahoo.cn

Hydrothermal Preparation and Photocatalytic Activity of Chlorine Doped Titanium Dioxide Supported on SiO2

DEDG Pei-Chang, HU Jie-Zhen, WANG Hai-Zeng, SUN Bao-Wei   

  1. College of Ocean and Meteorology, Ocean University of Guangdong, Zhanjiang 524088, Guangdong Province, P. R. China; College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Ocean University of China, Qingdao 266003, Shandong Province, P. R. China
  • Received:2009-10-16 Revised:2010-01-06 Published:2010-04-02
  • Contact: DEDG Pei-Chang E-mail:dpc0520@yahoo.cn


利用水热法, 以硅胶为载体, 以Ti(SO4)2为钛源, NaCl为氯源制备了具有良好性能的硅胶负载氯掺杂二氧化钛(CTS)光催化剂, 考察了氯投加量、焙烧温度及钛硅比对光催化活性的影响. 结果表明, 氯投加量为15% (nCl/nTi)、钛硅物质的量比为3:1、焙烧温度为750 ℃时制备的CTS具有最佳的光催化活性, 其比表面积为60.8 m2·g-1. CTS中的硅胶除了作为载体, 还起到了促进锐钛矿二氧化钛的生成并抑制其向金红石相转变的作用; 氯掺杂二氧化钛(CT)经硅胶负载后, 其表面孔结构发生了变化, 并且热稳定性增加. 苯酚降解实验表明, 与CT相比, CTS以0.7740 g·g-1的二氧化钛含量具有更高的光催化活性.

关键词: TiO2, 氯掺杂, 硅胶, 光催化, 苯酚降解


A chlorine doped titaniumdioxide photocatalyst was synthesized by a hydrothermal process using silica gel as a carrier, Ti(SO4)2 as a Ti source, and NaCl as a Cl source.We discuss factors such as the doping ratio of chlorine to titanium, the calcination temperature, and the ratio of titanium to silicon, all of which influence the photocatalytic activity of the sample.We found that the best chlorine to titaniumratio (nCl/nTi) was 15%, the best calcination temperature was 750 ℃, and the best ratio of titaniumto silicon (nTi/nSi) was 3:1. The BET surface area of the chlorine doped titanium dioxide supported on SiO2 (CTS) was 60.8 m2 ·g-1. No rutile phase of TiO2 was formed in the CTS after calcination at high temperature indicating that the presence of silica inhibited the phase transformation of TiO2 from anatase phase to rutile phase. It also influences the structural and textural properties of the chlorine doped titanium dioxide (CT). A phenol degradation test showed that the photocatalytic activity of the CTS was better than that of the CT although the TiO2 concentration in the CTS was 0.7740 g·g-1, which was less than that of the CT.

Key words: Titania, Chlorine doping, Silica, Photocatalysis, Phenol degradation