Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin. ›› 2017, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (6): 1114-1122.doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB201702213

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Design and Application of a Precise Isoperibol Combus-tion-Solution-Reaction Microcalorimeter

Xu LI1,Qiang-Guo LI1,*(),Jian-Hong JIANG1,Hui-Wen GU2,*(),Chuan-Hua LI1,Sheng-Xiong XIAO1,Xia LI1   

  1. 1 College of Chemistry Biology and Environmental Engineering, Xiangnan University, Chenzhou 423043, P. R. China
    2 College of Chemistry and Environmental Engineering, Yangtze University, Jingzhou 434023, P. R. China
  • Received:2016-12-26 Published:2017-05-19
  • Contact: Qiang-Guo LI,Hui-Wen GU;
  • Supported by:
    the National Natural Science Foundation of China(21273190);Science and Technology Plan Projects of Hunan Province, China(2014TT2026)


The SRC-100 type solution-reaction calorimeter was improved to a more precise and versatile isoperibol combustion-solution-reaction microcalorimeter. The energy equivalent of the calorimeter was calibrated to be Ccalor=(987.63±0.61) J·K-1 by the electric calibration method. The standard massic energy of combustion of benzoic acid and succinic acid were determined by the developed isoperibol combustion-solution-reaction microcalorimeter as △cUm, Bθ(cr, T=298.15K)=-(26425.99±10.70) J·g-1 and △cUm, Sθ(cr, T=298.15K)=-(12621.97±5.30) J·g-1, respec-tively. The uncertainty of the measurement was less than 0.04% and the accuracy was higher than 0.05%.

Key words: Combustion-solution-reaction microcalorimeter, Standard massic energy of combustion, Benzoic acid, Succinic acid