Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin. ›› 2017, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (6): 1085-1107.doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB201704114

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New Research Progress of the Electrochemical Reaction Mechanism, Preparation and Modification for LiFePO4

Ying-Jie ZHANG,Zi-Yi ZHU,Peng DONG,Zhen-Ping QIU,Hui-Xin LIANG,Xue LI*()   

  • Received:2016-12-11 Published:2017-05-19
  • Contact: Xue LI
  • Supported by:
    the National Natural Science Foundation of China(51604132)


Lithium-ion batteries have been extensively studied due to their excellent electrochemical performance as an effective energy storage device for sustainable energy sources. The key to the development and application of this technology is the improvement of electrode materials. LiFePO4 has captured the attention of researchers both home and abroad as a potential cathode material for lithium-ion batteries because of its long cycle life, energy density, stable charge/discharge performance, good thermal stability, high safety, light weight and low toxicity. However, there are still some technical bottlenecks in the application of LiFePO4, such as relatively low conductivity, low diffusion coefficient of lithium ions, and low tap density. Moreover, the cycle performance, low-temperature characteristics, and rate performance are not ideal, restricting its application and development. In recent years, researchers have sought to solve these problems by improving the preparation process and attempting related modifications. In this paper, we have provided a systemic review of the structure, electrochemical reaction mechanism, preparation, and modification of LiFePO4. The main problems associated with LiFePO4 cathode materials and possible solutions are discussed. We have also investigated the future research direction and application prospect of LiFePO4 cathode materials.

Key words: LiFePO4, Research progress, Electrochemical reaction mechanism, Preparation method, Modification