物理化学学报 >> 2001, Vol. 17 >> Issue (03): 216-221.doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB20010306

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  1. 中国科学院山西煤炭化学研究所 030001,大连理工大学炭资源开放实验室 116012
  • 收稿日期:2000-08-21 修回日期:2000-10-27 发布日期:2001-03-15
  • 通讯作者: 陆安慧 E-mail:anhuilu@sxicc.ac.cn

Preparation of PANbased Molecular Sieve ACF and Study of Surface Structure by XPS

Lu An-Hui;Li Wen-Cui;Zheng Jing-Tang   

  1. Institute of Coal Chemistry,Chinese Academy of Sciences.Taiyuan 030001,1Carbon Resource Opening Laboratory of Dalian University of Technology,Dalian 116012
  • Received:2000-08-21 Revised:2000-10-27 Published:2001-03-15
  • Contact: Lu An-Hui E-mail:anhuilu@sxicc.ac.cn

摘要: 以聚丙烯腈基活性炭纤维(PANACF)为原料,首次采用液相浸渍结合空气氧化的方 法,在较为温和的条件下改变原料的表面结构和孔隙结构,制备出具有分离N2/O2性能的分子 筛型PANACF.采用TGADTA、电子天平及XPS技术分析表征了分子筛型PANACF的吸附性能 和表面结构.结果表明:浸渍煤焦油后的PANACF在100~400 ℃之间失重缓慢,是煤焦油中苯 环及杂环类化合物与纤维表面氧化接枝的过程;经350 ℃浸渍空气氧化ACF对N2/O2吸附量及 选择性均得到了显著提高,选择系数达到5.6;浸渍煤焦油的PANACF表面具有一定量的羟基 、醚基、羰基和羧基等含氧官能团,氧化过程中各类官能团含量发生改变,类石墨碳含量随浸 渍浓度增加而增大;浸渍氧化再炭化的结果使PANACF对N2/O2吸附选择性得到明显提高.

关键词: 分子筛, 吸附性能, 表面结构, 聚丙烯腈基活性炭纤维(PAN-ACF)

Abstract: A new method of liquid impregnation combining air oxidition is employe d to modify the surface and pore structure of PANbased activated carbon (PAN ACF) under moderate condition.By this method,a molecular sieve type PANACF is prepared having high selectivity to separate N2 from O2.TGADGA,electronic bala nce and XPS are used to characterize the performance and surface chemistry of th e samples.The results show that PANACF impregnated with condensed coal tar has a slight weight loss during 100~400 ℃,the benzenoid and heterocyclic compound graft with carbon fiber by the aid of oxygen molecule to tailor the pore and su rface structure of fibers.After oxidizing by air,the selectivity and adsorptive capacity of PANACF are improved significantly,the selectivity reaches 5.6 of N 2/O2.There are many kinds of function group such as hydroxyl group,ether,carbony l and carboxyl after the impregnation of PANACF with condensed coal tar and ox idized by air,during oxidition the content of various function group changes,gra phitelike carbon increases with the increase of impregnated concentration.

Key words: Molecular sieve, Adsorption, Surface structure, PAN-ACF