物理化学学报 >> 2009, Vol. 25 >> Issue (03): 470-476.doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB20090313

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刘道胜 韩春玉 段林海 宋丽娟 孙兆林   

  1. 中国石油大学(华东)化学化工学院, 山东 东营 257061; 辽宁石油化工大学辽宁石油化工重点实验室, 辽宁 抚顺 113001
  • 收稿日期:2008-09-25 修回日期:2008-11-26 发布日期:2009-03-02
  • 通讯作者: 孙兆林 E-mail:zlsun@lnpu.edu.cn

Activation Energy of Temperature Programmed Desorption Calculated Using Least-SquaresMethod for Benzene, Thiophene and Octane on NaY

 LIU Dao-Shing, HAN Chun-Yu, DUAN Lin-Hai, SONG Li-Juan, SUN Zhao-Lin   

  1. College of Chemistry & Chemical Engineering, China University of Petroleum (East China), Dongying 257061, Shandong Province, P. R. China; Liaoning Key Laboratory of Petrochemical Engineering, Liaoning Shihua University, Fushun 113001, Liaoning Province, P. R. China
  • Received:2008-09-25 Revised:2008-11-26 Published:2009-03-02
  • Contact: SUN Zhao-Lin E-mail:zlsun@lnpu.edu.cn


采用程序升温脱附(TPD)技术测定了苯、噻吩和正辛烷在NaY上以不同升温速率升温时的TPD谱图. 利用TPD谱图的峰形和其微分曲线判断了程序升温脱附过程中的脱附级数. 提出了一种利用最小二乘法计算吸附剂/催化剂的脱附活化能及其动力学参数的方法. 以这些TPD谱图为基础, 分别采用传统TPD计算模型、最小二乘法以及一阶微分曲线法计算了苯、噻吩和正辛烷在NaY上的脱附活化能和动力学参数. 结果表明, 最小二乘法对在不同线性升温速率时的程序升温脱附活化能的计算结果是一致的.

关键词: 程序升温脱附, 脱附活化能, 最小二乘法


Temperature programmed desorption (TPD) spectra of benzene, thiophene, and octane on NaYat different heating rates were measured and the order of desorption for the TPD was estimated by the shape of TPD spectra and their characteristic differential curves. A new TPD model using least-squares method was proposed, by which the desorption activation energies, as well as the kinetic parameters of the systems, could be calculated. Based on these experimental spectra, desorption activation energies of benzene, thiophene, and octane on NaY were calculated by a traditional model, the least-squares method, and the first differential curve of the TPD model. The results show that the desorption activation energies at different heating rates calculated by the least-squares method agree well with each other.

Key words: Temperature programmed desorption, Desorption activation energy, Least-squares method