Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin. ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (10): 2305033.doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB202305033
Special Issue: Special Issue on the 30th Anniversary of the Center for Nanochemistry at Peking University
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Meijia Xu, Yuchen Zhang, Yifan Zhu, Changlin Li, Zi-Ang Wu, Xiong Zhou(), Kai Wu()
Xiong Zhou, Kai Wu;
Supported by:
Meijia Xu, Yuchen Zhang, Yifan Zhu, Changlin Li, Zi-Ang Wu, Xiong Zhou, Kai Wu. Active Phase on Oxidized Pd(100) for Low-Temperature Propane Oxidation[J]. Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin. 2023, 39(10), 2305033. doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB202305033
Fig 1
Structures of (2 × 2)-O and ($ \sqrt{\text{5}} $ × $ \sqrt{\text{5}} $) R27°-PdO. LEED pattern (a), atomically resolved STM image (b) and atomic structure model (c) of the (2 × 2)-O. LEED pattern (e), atomically resolved STM image (f) and atomic structure model (g) of the (2 × 2)-O, the side oxygen chains are of different height, among which the pink chains are higher than the purple ones. (h) Oxygen defects on ($ \sqrt{\text{5}} $ × $ \sqrt{\text{5}} $) R27°-PdO at left sides of the main chains (scanning bias: +100 mV; feedback current: 1 nA)."
Fig 2
The structure of (5 × 5)-PdO. (a) LEED pattern, (b) and (c) STM images showing two different chiral domains. (d) STM image superimposed with the Pd atoms (mazarine circles). (e) STM image superimposed with Pd atoms (mazarine circles) and O atoms (coral dots). (f) The structure model of (5 × 5)-PdO."
Fig 3
Thermal evolution of the ($ \sqrt{\text{5}} $ × $ \sqrt{\text{5}} $) R27°-PdO and (5 × 5)-PdO structures. The STM images (top) and LEED patterns (bottom) of ($ \sqrt{\text{5}} $ × $ \sqrt{\text{5}} $) R27°-PdO (a) before and after thermal treatments at (b) 400 K, (c) 500 K and (d) 550 K. The STM images (top) and LEED patterns (bottom) of (5 × 5)-PdO (e) before and after thermal treatments at (f) 350 K, (g) 500 K and (h) 550 K."
Fig 4
Propane oxidation on (2 × 2)-O, ($ \sqrt{\text{5}} $ × $ \sqrt{\text{5}} $) R27°-PdO and (5 × 5)-PdO structures. STM images of (a) (2 × 2)-O, (b) ($ \sqrt{\text{5}} $ × $ \sqrt{\text{5}} $) R27°-PdO and (c) (5 × 5)-PdO after exposure to 9 L propane, showing that only the ($ \sqrt{\text{5}} $ × $ \sqrt{\text{5}} $) R27°-PdO structure changes into the (2 × 2)-O. TPD spectra of (d) AMU=18.0 (H2O), (e) AMU=44.1 (propane and CO2) and (f) AMU=32.0 (O2) on ($ \sqrt{\text{5}} $ × $ \sqrt{\text{5}} $) R27°-PdO surface with (top) or without (bottom) propane adsorption."
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