Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin. ›› 1995, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (06): 504-508.doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19950606

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Fluorescence Method for Studying the Fusion of Vesicle

He Xu,Gu Xin-Hua,Zhao Guo-Xi,Dai Guang-Song,Wu Shi-Kang   

  1. Institute of Photographic Chemistry,Academia Sinica,Beijing 100101;Department of Chemistry,Beijing University,Beijing 100871
  • Received:1994-07-01 Revised:1994-09-29 Published:1995-06-15
  • Contact: Wu Shi-Kang


Fluorescence method was used to measure the kinetics of fusion of vesicles, which was formed by triethanolamine dilaurate by means of ultrasoaic dispersion. The method relies upon the dequenching of Cetyl Rhodamine B (CERB) in vesicles. The concentration of CERB was diluted with the fusion, and dimer of CERB was dissociated into the monomer, resulting in the enhancement of fluorescence intensity of CERB. Result indicated that the fusion rate of the vesicles formed by triethanolamine dilaurate closely related to the structure of bilayer and acidity of the media, and when the acidity of the media was in the certain range of pH, the vesicles formed has closer packed structure as well as slower fusion rate.

Key words: Fluorescence probe, Vesicle fusion, Kinetics