Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin. ›› 2003, Vol. 19 ›› Issue (06): 533-537.doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB20030611

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Studies on Conducting Composite MaterialGlucose Oxidase Biosensor

Zhang Guo-Lin;Pan Xian-Hua;Kan Jin-Qing;Zhang Jing-Hui;Li Yong-Fang   

  1. Department of Chemistry, School of Sciences, Yangzhou University,Yangzhou 225002; Institute of Chemistry, Chinese
  • Received:2002-10-07 Revised:2003-01-14 Published:2003-06-15
  • Contact: Kan Jin-Qing

Abstract: This paper reports the preparation and properties of biosenor using conducting composite material consisted of ethyl cellulose and acetylene black. The final biosensor was constructed by applying a mixture containing 0.010 g ethyl cellulose, 0.004 g acetylene black,a little paraffin wax and 0.2 mg glucose oxidase (23000 units/g solid, E.C., Sigma Chemical Co.) on a platinum electrode (3 mm×3 mm). Effect of various factors on the response current of the biosensor was discussed. The response current increases linearly with increasing glucose concentration under 11.5 mmol•dm-3. Its activation energy is 40.3 kJ•mol-1 in enzymecatalyzed reaction. AFM shows that the surface of conducting polymer composite materialglucose oxidase electrode′s presents uniform granular structure after paraffin wax being washed with cyclohexane, which is favorable for enzymecatalyzed reaction.

Key words: Biosensor, Conducting composite material, Glucose oxidase, Ethyl cellulose, Acetylene black