物理化学学报 >> 1999, Vol. 15 >> Issue (01): 40-43.doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19990108

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陈望忠, 张绍文, 胡远东, 谢云德, 焦克芳   

  1. 军事医学科学院毒物药物演技所,北京 100850
  • 收稿日期:1998-04-10 修回日期:1998-06-29 发布日期:1999-01-15
  • 通讯作者: 焦克芳

The Aldol Condensation Mechanism of Acetone on Aluminum

Chen Wang-Zhong, Zhang Shao-Wen, Hu Yuan-Dong, Xie Yun-De, Jiao Ke-Fang   

  1. Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology,Academy of Military Medical Sciences,Beijing 100850
  • Received:1998-04-10 Revised:1998-06-29 Published:1999-01-15
  • Contact: Jiao Ke-Fang



关键词: 氧化铝, 丙酮, 2, 15-十六烷二酮, 计算机模拟, 醛醇缩合


【Abstract】 In order to study the aldol condensation of 2.15-hexadecanedione on the surface of aluminium, the intermolecular condensation mechanism of acetone occurring on aluminum was simulated by using semi-empirical AM1 method embodied in MOPAC 6.0 program package. The optimized structures and geometry parameters of 5 transition complexes and 4 intermediates were given. First, 2 molecules of acetone coordinated with aluminum by electrostatic attraction. One atom of hydrogen of acetone migrated to aluminum because of the pulling of the negative oxygen of aluminum, and then aldol condensation occured. Some aluminum containing complex substances may be generated according to the energy variation of intermediates.

Key words: Aluminum, Acetone, 2,15-Hexadecanedion, Computer simulation, Aldol condensation