物理化学学报 >> 2002, Vol. 18 >> Issue (09): 776-780.doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB20020902

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  1. 兰州大学化学化工学院,兰州 730000
  • 收稿日期:2002-01-04 修回日期:2002-03-12 发布日期:2002-09-15
  • 通讯作者: 柳明珠 E-mail:m-zliu@163.com

The Temperature Dependence of the Viscosity of Poly (N,N-diethylacrylamide) Solutions

Bian Feng-Ling;Liu Ming-Zhu   

  1. College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Lanzhou University, Lanzhou 730000
  • Received:2002-01-04 Revised:2002-03-12 Published:2002-09-15
  • Contact: Liu Ming-Zhu E-mail:m-zliu@163.com

摘要: 通过自由基聚合,合成了线型聚N,N-二乙基丙烯酰胺(PDEA),用乌氏粘度计测定并考察了该聚合物在四氢呋喃(THF)、H2O以及THF-H2O混合溶剂中粘度的温度依赖性.实验结果表明,PDEA 在上述三种溶剂中粘度的温度依赖性不同,PDEA-THF体系的相对粘度随温度升高而增大;PDEA-H2O体系以及PDEA-THF-H2O体系的相对粘度随温度升高而减小,且THF体积分数φTHF < 0.7时具有透明-白浊转变现象;对PDEA-THF-H2O体系,φTHF增加,透明-白浊转变温度升高,而当φTHF=0.7时,则观察不到透明-白浊转变现象.

关键词: N,N-二乙基丙烯酰胺, 溶液性质, 粘度, 氢键, 最低临界溶解温度

Abstract: Linear Poly(N,N-diethylacrylamide)(PDEA) was synthesized by radical polymerization. The temperature dependence of the relative viscosity of PDEA-THF, PDEA-H2O and PDEA-THF-H2O solutions was investigated. Our results showed that the viscosity of PDEA in three different solvents was influenced differently by temperature. The relative viscosity of PDEA-THF solution increased with increasing temperature, while that of PDEA- H2O and PDEA-THF-H2O showed the inverse trend, namely, increasing of temperature led to the decreasing of viscosity, at the same time, the phenomenon of transparent-opaque transition could be observed as the volume fraction of THF (φTHF) was less than 0.7. For PDEA-THF-H2O solution, on the other hand, the transparent-opaque transition temperature increased with the increasing of φTHF. However, when φTHF was 0.7, the transparent-opaque transition phenomenon disappeared.

Key words: Poly(N,N-diethylacrylamide), Solution property, Viscosity, Hydrogen bond, Lowest critical solution temperature