物理化学学报 >> 2005, Vol. 21 >> Issue (08): 915-919.doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB20050818

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姚素薇 ;吴海霞; 王宏智; 张卫国   

  1. 天津大学化工学院应用化学系, 杉山表面技术研究室, 天津 300072
  • 收稿日期:2004-12-03 修回日期:2004-12-29 发布日期:2005-08-15
  • 通讯作者: 姚素薇 E-mail:yaosuwei@263.net

Electrodeposition of Cu-Co Granular Films on Semiconductor Si Substrate and Their GMR Effect

YAO Su-wei; WU Hai-xia; WANG Hong-zhi; ZHANG Wei-guo   

  1. SUGIYAMA Laboratory of Surface Technology, School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Tianjin University, Tianjin, 300072
  • Received:2004-12-03 Revised:2004-12-29 Published:2005-08-15
  • Contact: YAO Su-wei E-mail:yaosuwei@263.net

摘要: 采用电化学沉积方法在半导体Si上制备Cu-Co金属颗粒膜. XRD测试结果表明制备态的薄膜形成了单相亚稳态面心合金结构, 薄膜经退火后, XRD谱图中出现了析出的纯金属Co的衍射峰, 这表明薄膜在退火过程中发生了相分离. TEM测试结果也进一步证实了磁性的Co颗粒从非磁性的铜基体中析出. 随着退火温度的增加, 颗粒膜巨磁电阻(GMR)效应不断增大, 当退火温度为450 ℃时, Co0.20Cu0.80薄膜的巨磁电阻效应达到最大, 磁阻率为8.21%. 之后, 磁阻率又随退火温度的升高而降低. 退火前后样品磁滞回线的变化表明薄膜中发生了从超顺磁性到铁磁性的转变, 矫顽力、剩余磁化强度和饱和磁化强度均随退火温度的增高而逐渐增大. 超顺磁性颗粒的作用导致了GMR-H与M-H曲线的不同.

关键词: 颗粒膜, 电沉积, 相分离, 巨磁电阻, 超顺磁性

Abstract: CoxCu1-x granular films were prepared by electrodeposition at room temperature on semiconductor Si substrate. XRD result revealed that the as-deposited films formed a single phase metastable fcc alloy structure. Pure Co fcc diffraction peaks were observed in XRD pattern of the annealed sample, indicating phase separation occurred upon annealing. TEM characterization also confirmed the precipitation of the magnetic Co particles from the Cu-rich matrix. The giant magnetoresistance(GMR) of the films was improved after annealing. The maximum MR ratio of 8.21% was obtained for Co0.20Cu0.80 thin film after annealing at 450 ℃ for 1 h. Hysteresis loops of the as-deposited and annealed samples indicated the change from superparamagnetic to ferromagnetic contribution to the GMR effect. The values of coercivity(Hc), remanent magnetization(Mr), saturation magnetization(Ms) increased with annealing temperature. The effect of supperparamagnetic particles resulted the difference between GMR-H and M-H curves.

Key words: Granular film, Electrodeposition, Phase separation, GMR, Superparamagnetic