Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin. ›› 2002, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (11): 973-978.doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB20021103

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The Formation of Copper Electrodeposits with Highly Preferred Orientation and Their Surface Morphology

Gu Min;Yang Fang-Zu;Huang Ling;Yao Shi-Bing;Zhou Shao-Min   

  1. Department of Chemistry , Shantou Universitry, Shantou 515063;Department of Chemistry, State Key Laboratory for Physical Chemistry of Solid Surfaces, Institute of Physical Chemistry, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005
  • Received:2002-02-18 Revised:2002-04-05 Published:2002-11-15
  • Contact: Zhou Shao-Min

Abstract: Cu electrodeposits with highly preferred orientations were obtained from H2SO4-CuSO4 electrolytic solution. XRD results indicated that at current densities 1.0~6.0 A•dm-2 and 15.0 A•dm-2,the obtained Cu electrodeposits were respectively shown in (220) and (111) highly preferred orientations. The value of texture coefficient of Cu electrodeposited at a stationary current density was increased with its thickness. SEM results revealed that the surface morphology of the electrodeposits with (220) texture obtained at 4.0 A•dm-2 appeared in network combined with needle crystals, and texture with (111) at 15.0 A•dm-2 in hexagonal pyramid. The changes of the preferred orientation effected by current density were mainly attributed to the competitions between the grains growing direction and the rate during Cu electro crystallization.

Key words: Electrodeposition, Copper electrodeposit, Highly preferred orientation, Surface morphology