Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin. ›› 2016, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (7): 1634-1638.doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB201605111

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A Study of Graphene Oxidation Using Thermal Analysis-Mass Spectrometry Combined with Pulse Thermal Analysis

Heng ZHANG1,2,Hui-Mei YU1,*(),Chao-He XU1,Ming-Hui ZHANG1,Xiu-Hong PAN1,Yan-Feng GAO1,2,*()   

  1. 1 Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 200050, P. R. China
    2 School of Materials Science and Engineering, Shanghai University, Shanghai 200444, P. R. China
  • Received:2016-04-01 Published:2016-07-08
  • Contact: Hui-Mei YU,Yan-Feng GAO;
  • Supported by:
    the National Natural Science Foundation of China(51325203);the National Natural Science Foundation of China(51472263);Shanghai Materials Genome Project, China(14DZ2261200);Shanghai Technical Platform for Testing and Characterization on Inorganic Materials, China(14DZ2292900);Shanghai Sailing Program, China(16YF1413100);Program of the Innovative Fund of Shanghai Institute of Ceramics, Chinese Academy of Science(Y37ZC4143G)


In the present work, graphene samples were obtained from graphene oxide (GO) by a direct hydrothermal method, using thermogravimetry-differential thermal analysis to ascertain changes in mass as well as the oxidization temperature. Thermal analysis-mass spectrometry was also used to assess the generation of H2O+ (m/z = 18) and CO2+ (m/z = 44) ions over the temperature range of 400-650 ℃. On the basis of the resulting data, the mass loss of the GO during the oxidation process is attributed to the loss of H2O and CO2. The thermal kinetics of graphene under ambient air were also studied at heating rates of 5, 10, and 15 ℃·min-1. The activation energy (Ea) and logarithm of pre-exponential factor (lg(A/s-1)) values calculated by the Kissinger method were 155.11 kJ·mol-1 and 6.90. The dependence of Ea and lgA on the extent of conversion,α, were also calculated, using the Ozawa-Flynn-Wall (FWO) method. The results of this work provide a frame of reference for the use of graphene in thermal applications, such as in thermal interface and thermal conductive materials, advanced composites and materials synthesis.

Key words: Kinetic analysis, Graphene, TG-DTA-MS, Pulse thermal analysis, Evolved gas