Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin. ›› 1996, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (07): 659-663.doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19960716

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Studies on Cell Kinetics IV.Thermokinetics of Bacterial Unideal Growth Process

Liu Yi,Wang Cun-Xin,Xie Chang-Li,Qu Song-Sheng,Hao Zong-Yu   

  1. Department of Chemistry,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072|Henan Health Epidemic Prevention station,Zhengzhou 450003
  • Received:1995-11-06 Revised:1995-02-01 Published:1996-07-15
  • Contact: Liu Yi


By using LKB2277 Bioactivity Monitor, we have determined the thermogenesis power curves of four kinds of bacteria: Brucella M5(55010), 83-980, 83-981 and E. coli. We have also derived the thermokinetic equation for the process of bacterial growth, which was untypical "S" , unideal growth, as:
From this equation, the rate constants of bacterial growth k wore obtained. This thermokinetic equation is very suitable for cell growth of separated culture, in which the thermogenesis curve is untypical. The model propoted by equationl(1) has been compared with the exponential and logistic models. This thermokinetic equation is very significant for the study of bacterial limited growth and their characteristics.

Key words: Bacterial growth, Microcalorimetry, Thermokinetics, Thermochemistry