Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin. ›› 2001, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (09): 792-796.doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB20010906

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Temperature-Independent Activation Energy for Ionic Conduction of Zirconia Based Solid Electrolytes

Li Ying;Gong Jiang-Hong;Tang Zi-Long;Xie Yu-Sheng   

  1. Institute of Chemical Metallurgy,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100080;State Key Laboratory of New Ceramics and Fine Processing,Department of Materials Science and Engineering,Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084
  • Received:2001-01-20 Revised:2001-04-13 Published:2001-09-15
  • Contact: Gong Jiang-Hong

Abstract: Previous studies have shown that the temperature dependence of the ionic conductivity of zirconia based solid electrolytes exhibit an unusual nonlinear Arrhenius behavior and,as a result, the activation energy for ionic conductivity resulting from the analysis according to the classical Arrhenius equation is temperaturedependent.In this paper,a modified Arrhenius equation was proposed,based on the measurement and analysis of the conductivity for three kinds of Y2O3stablized ZrO2,to describe the temperature dependence of the ionic conductivity.It was found that the activation energy deduced from the modified Arrhenius equation is a constant independent of temperature.The validity of such a temperatureindependent activation energy was further discussed based on the transitionstate theory in physical chemistry.

Key words: Ionic conductivity, Activation energy, Solid electrolyte, Zirconia, Nonlinear Arrhenius behavior