Acta Phys. -Chim. Sin. ›› 1998, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (01): 51-56.doi: 10.3866/PKU.WHXB19980110

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Study on High Activity Platinum Electrode on a New Type Photoelectrochemical Cell

Zhang Ya-Li, Liu Zai-Wei, Guo Guo-Lin, Gui Lin-Lin   

  1. Institute of Physics Chemistry,Peking University,Beijing 100871|Department of Applied Chemistry,Qingdao University,Qingdao 266071
  • Received:1997-04-08 Revised:1997-06-24 Published:1998-01-15
  • Contact: Guo Guo-Lin


By using cyclic voltage method, nano-structured platinum was electrochemically deposited on the surface of conducting glass sheet, forming a high specific surface, high activity platinum electrode for the new type photoelectrochemical cell. The highest specific surface of platinum is 37 m2•g-1 in our work. The mass exchange current of such an electrode in I-3/I- electrolyte decreases with the increasing of the deposition amount of platinum, but the exchange current density almost does not change. So, in the region which could be controlled, the high activity electrode can be formed by using very small amount of platinum.

Key words: Electrodeposition;Pt electrode, Cyclic voltammetry